About Hoxa
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Showcase Works


We specialize in refractory’s, castables, gunnite, firebrick, and ceramic fiber insulation. We can repair and replace refractory’s as well as install new refractory linings in new equipment. Our refractory masons and technicians have decades of experience installing refractory’s in boilers, furnaces, incinerators, stacks, RTOs, and any other industrial equipment requiring protection from heat, abrasion, and corrosion.

SAAQ Solutions is your best source for all refractory construction and refractory contracting services. From furnace patching or tear out to shotcrete, gunning, or pumping of castables, seatle Company will work with you to determine the proper scope of work and whether simple patching or complete refractory equipment teardown and replacement is required. Our superior high temperature insulation installation services for applications like industrial heaters, boilers, and furnace linings will keep your equipment running longer, making your company more profitable.

We specialize in providing professional refractory installation services. We are fully equipped with all the machinery and equipment that is required for refractory installations. We also ensure that we use our own skilled technicians for the maintenance work that is required to be carried out in the plant.

Our aim is to provide a professional, reliable and efficient service, thereby reducing the downtime and increasing plant productivity without compromising on personnel safety.