About Hoxa
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even believable genera on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary making Internet.
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Refractory Materials

We are having the stock of the many Refractory materials which are suitable for the Industries like Iron/steel Plant, Cement Plant, Fertilizer Plant, Aluminum Industries, Power sector, Ship maintenance Petrochemical and Refineries. Here below the different categories of Refractory materials that can able to provide on demand with supreme quality.

  • All type of Bricks such as Fire clay and High alumina refractory bricks (up to 95% Al2O3), Acid Resistant Bricks and Tile, Insulating Bricks
  • All type of Castables such as Medium High purity Dense Castable, High purity Dense Castable, low cement Castable, Insulating Castable
  • All type of Mortars & Adhesives
  • All type of Steel Anchors
  • High Alumina Refractory Cement, Catalyst Bed Support & Mudgun mass, Precast Predefined (PCPF) blocks
  • Grouting compound
  • Refractory Ceramic fiber blanket & Pyro block blankets
  • Refractory equipments and Accessories